I started working in a dungeon.
Talk about your service industry.
The accountants and the accouterments,
Would keep you up at night. Who says society is free?
Society doesn't want to be free. I wouldn't say that.
Don't mention the walking wounded,
The trail of tears laid out before.
You do my dirty laundry,
In such a public way, but the payment settles the score.
Are you keeping score? What's the score?
Every day that I play I have a good time.
Deep inside the machine and I will make it alright.
Bullet proof, invisible, bomb proof, heavy gauge.
We remain inside. We always hide well out of range.
They keep you up at night,
Or make it cold as ice.
There was no limit to how low,
They'd deliver the final blow.
Why does leather bring it out in them?
The skin of slaughtered beasts,
Does the irony just eat at them,
To the point of slicing wrists.
Outrageousness is done to death.
It's plainly out of hand for us,
And nothing protects sacredness,
From the meddling politicians.
Why don't they leave us alone?
They have no control.
They've sold their soul.
And satan enters through the front door.
Meddling politicians.
We all have dark corners.
Should they see the light of day?
Are intentions like actions?
Are we playing roles today?
Like shadows in the mirror,
Or beams of light in mist,
As you look deep inside of me,
It's the human company I've begun to miss.